Monday, June 1, 2009


So after 3 hours and 37 minutes, I finished the Over the Mountain Triathlon on Saturday, May 30. It was brutal, and several times I thought I might just quit, or puke. I finished 80th out of 98 other women. While that seems pretty close to last, honestly, I was just happy to finish.

This was my first big tri, at this distance. I wasn't in it to win, only to finish, and to do it with a smile on my face.

For over 3.5 hours, I was alone, in the water, on the bike, during the run. Sure, there were people around me, but no one I knew. Chris and his parents were at my various transition points, but I wasn't up for conversation. I had to move, you know?

So what did I do? Where was my mind for those hours? On several things...

One, Jesus. I prayed so much, for my self, for my legs, for my brain, for my fellow competitors, for safety, for my family, my friends, our church...anything I could think of, I prayed for. I had time...and I really wanted to rely on Him to finish this race. I didn't want to do it in my own strength. I don't think I had enough. I surely didnt' have enough to smile at the end.

Two, the book. Also a subject of prayer, and also of thought. I am trying to figure out how to fit everything together in this story that is pulled from my brain. What's going to happen (I do know that much)...its the "how's it going to get there?" that still remains a little gray. But I love to think about it and let my imagination get a little workout, especially while on the bike. Its pretty monotonous on the road...pedal pedal pedal, gear change, pedal, breath, pedal, breath, pedal, gear change. You get the idea. So I spent some time thinking on the book. Anyone want to read it yet? 15 chapters needing some advice :)

Three, how much I love my wetsuit. This was mostly during the swim, but that wetsuit was so amazing that it stuck with me for the rest of the day, and even now. I can't wait to swim again with it. Its like a body tight float that gave me just enough help to prevent panic. The swim was probably my favorite part of the race.

Funny enough, however, was the other thing on my mind during the swim. I think I've watched too many episodes of Bones, the Closer, and CSI b/c I kept imagining seeing some body part in the water below me while I was swimming. CREEPY! Another moment of prayer...please God, no hands or skulls or feet please, please, please. And don't let me freak out right now thinking about it. That was only for a moment, but it was weird. I think I should watch some Office and 30 Rock. No dead bodies.

Four, how great Chris and his parents were. They cheered me on, took pics, got up early for the start, endured almost 4 hours for the finish, and loved me despite my cussing and sweating and exhaustion. They were the best fan club ever, and I felt so blessed to have them there.

So that's pretty much my thoughts during the race...I did manage to finish with a smile, and I can't wait to do it again. Anyone want to come along?

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to spend some awesome time with God! So proud of you!
