Wednesday, March 25, 2009

training update

Many of you know that I've been training for a triathlon for a few months now. Having done a few running races in the past, I wanted to try training for some again that was new and different. Triathlon seemed like a good bet since I knew how to swim, had a bike, and kind of liked running maybe.

So in October, I started training for a Sprint Triathlon, which means a 750m swim (15 50m laps in a pool if you are counting), 20k bike (12.4 miles), and 5k run (3.1 miles). I quickly realized that I could do all those distances, and I could do them all together. Not that big a challenge. The next logical step was to jack up my distances and go for the Olympic distance, which is a 1500m swim, 40k bike, and 10k run (double the Sprint). That has definitely been a little harder. Ok, a freaking lot harder.

I began training individual events and getting my distance and speed up on those. I'd run 9 miles one day then bike 20-30 miles the next then swim 2500m the next...that sort of thing. Training was going well, but it was really exhausting, as you can imagine. I began to lose weight, which was OK until I realized that part of the reason I was so tired was that I wasn't eating enough to be training this hard. Upping my caloric in take with fruits and whole grains (lots and lots of cereal) slowed my weight loss and helped me feel like a normal person again. Coffee helped too. It always does.

Then I got sick about a month ago. I'm not talking about just a cold. This was full on sinusitis/bronchitis with coughing up a lung and fever and all that. No training for a whole week--no nothing for a whole week except laying in bed watching old episodes of 30 Rock.

When I finally made it back outside and began to train, I kind of got freaked out. Only 11 weeks till my big race and I was SO far from being ready. I started praying and training really hard. Instead of just individual events each day, I began doubling up. Instead of going beyond my distance on a run, I'd do an even 10k after a swim, or hit the running trails after a 25 mile ride. I've also added a day of conditioning, a mixture of yoga and football drills--hmm, strange combination. Downward facing dog one minute, then 50 up-downs the next 10 minutes. Its a great workout for endurance, lung capacity, heart rate, and flexibility, and its a change of pace from the pool/bike/road.

That's where I am now--doubling up workouts as best I can and focusing on the upcoming race. I'm nervous, that's for sure--its a lot of ground (and lake) to cover.

My goal is to do it in less that 3hrs and 20mins. We'll see I guess.

Some might wonder why in the world I would do this--all this training and time put into preparing for a race. I wonder that myself sometimes. However, yesterday I remembered why I do it. There are a few reasons. One is discipline. It takes a huge amount to get out there day after day in rain and wind and even sunshine. I realize that I don't have it in me, but with the help of the Lord, I can. So I guess its really the discipline of dependence, and I hope He gets the glory when I cross that finish line.

Two, I feel alive when I've hit a new milestone like doing a 40k bike then running a 10k back to back. Even though I want to die afterward, the satisfaction is incredible. It means that I've changed, that something is different. I'll take the pain and dehydration for that feeling anytime.

Third, I feel strong and undefeated. Like, I dare someone to chase me.

Four, I always want to be trying new things, no matter how hard they are. Whether that comes from walking with God or from being human or from how I was raised, I don't know, but I do know that so much joy is found in even trying something different. Shoot, even if I fail, at least I tried, right?

Five, this training has given me a chance to live locally in a way that I never did before, I run around the city and my West Club/Trinity neighborhood, I get my bike fixed at the Bicycle Chain on Broad St. I swim at Edison Johnson Community Pool. I get to run with girls from my small group, I shop for all this food I'm eating at Whole Foods and our neighborhood Kroger, and I get an after ride coffee at Joe's on my way home. Walking around in bike clothes always stimulates conversation too :-) Word.

So those are a few reasons why I'm doing this crazy thing.

Thanks for reading about this little part of the greater journey. I'll keep you updated :-)

1 comment:

  1. Katie, this is so awesome and your reasons so true! God will give you the strength to pull through. Go go them Girl! I really enjoyed ready your blog :)
