Wednesday, April 15, 2009

moving day

Well friends, a lot has happened since last I wrote. Sometimes life gets the best of me and drains all those creative juices I need to write. However, four good days off from work has set me right again. Now to catch you up on what's happening.

The biggest news is that we are moving. Yes, we are moving. After a year in our apartment, we are ready for something new. Something a little bigger, that doesn't share a wall with anyone, that has a yard for herbs and veggies, that doesn't roast us in the summer and freeze us in the winter. Thankfully, after much searching, we found something just about right.

Its a little house about a mile from where we live now, in a neighborhood I don't know that much about except that its still close to all of our favorite things, like 9th Street, Broad Street, Tobacco District, Tobacco Trail, and of course, West Club Blvd.

This house was built in the 1950s, has three bedrooms, a den, dining room, 1.5 baths, a kitchen, laundry, and best of all, a porch, deck, and fireplace. Boy oh boy oh boy. We are very excited about our new home and can't wait to have everything over there.

I am much less excited about GETTING everything over there. Moving just about tops my list of things I hate most, probably second only to Dengue Fever or crashing my bike head first into a moving car, then being cussed out by the driver who failed to yield. Jerk. Anyway, moving will be a task, but Lord willing, we will have some good, strong help and get the job done real quick. If you would like to help us out, just let me know :-) We pay with pizza.

Other things that are, work, work, church, church, church, tri, tri, tri. I'll have to update about those things later. Its all good and steady and exhausting and fabulous.

1 comment:

  1. where is the new place? and when are you guys moving?

    melissa and i would love to help . . .
