Sunday, January 18, 2009

my bad

I have the honor of being a table host for the Summit Church's Starting Point team, which means every other month I get free dinner from Honey's and help walk people through the membership process of our church. Now, this process is not a quick signature and polaroid snapshot after which we extend the right hand of fellowship. No sir--we have to actually make sure that the people that are joining the Summit agree with the doctrines of the church and truly are committed to the mission and vision laid out by our elders and pastors. Imagine that. This means we table hosts have the privilege of asking the guests around our table some very personal questions about their spiritual life, theological questions, and thoughts about the Summit. Yeah, kind of awkward.

Tonight was a pleasant surprise. The people at my table were all friendly, clean, normal type people. They had all made commitments to Jesus and were ready to join the church with very little question.

I however, had a question, which took "awkward" to a whole new level. Two of my guests, a guy and gal who were both young, attractive, single people came in together, sat together, and were obviously well acquainted. When asked what they did in their spare time, both mentioned spending time together. When it came time to do the individual interviews, I asked if they wanted to do them together, since I always interview couples as couples. That's just my style. Casually, while looking over my questions, I mentioned, "Yeah, we can do you guys together since you're dating." The silence that followed demanded a little more of my attention. "You are dating?" They both shook their heads, glancing at each other and at me. "No, we're just friends." Yeah, the cuss words going through my head probably aren't appropriate to put into writing. "Or we can go individually. You choose," I hurriedly added. They decided to go ahead and interview together, being the good friends they were.

Trying to cover my obviously inappropriate assumption, I said something about how having a guy or girl that was a good friend sure was something rare, something special. I could feel myself getting warmer as my face began to turn a color similar to the bright orange scarf wrapped around my neck. I quickly pulled it off. No need to encourage comparison.

The rest of our interview went without a hitch, and they were both lovely people who will contribute significantly to the Summit. Still, I sure wish I could have heard their conversation on the way home. Or perhaps the awkward silence...I guess we table host are good for something.


  1. ...yeah, but think about it this way: when they DO realize that they're in love, fall head over heels and get married, you'll be part of the story they tell their grandkids.

    Thanks for being a great table host!

  2. Kate,

    I agree with Danny.

    Your "bad" was much better than where I thought you were going with your story. Barbara and I were hosts at a table (back at Riverside) and learned that the couple that we were hosting were lovers, but not married (though they had a couple of kids together). Talk about awkward. I took the chicken road and didn't confront them about their relationship. I did tell Danny about the situation and he said that he was aware of it.

    I was there last Friday also (not as a table host) and had a casual conversation with an attendee who had never heard of Sunday School. As we grow we will see all kinds of individuals from all walks of life who are drawn by the Gospel that is so effectively presented at the Summit. I think it's great! much different from my previous experiences of welcoming Christians who are changing churches.

    Thanks for the good work that you do in your several areas of service.
