Thursday, September 17, 2009

To my single girls

Being single has its perks--something you really learn AFTER you are married--but personally, I love being married way more than I liked being single. And while I sometimes remember what it was like to come home after a long day and not have to answer to anyone, I'll take having someone to come home to over an empty house and pint of Ben and Jerry's any day.

Being married means having a partner and a friend all the time, during the big things like moving and jobs and life goals to the mundane things like grocery shopping, cooking, and sleeping. I haven't been lonely since getting married. I haven't gotten bored. I've laughed way more. I've learned to fight better. I've loved someone for who they are and received that same love back. I've seen God's grace played out on a daily basis. Who wouldn't want that?

This is why I pray for my single friends--so they too can know what its like to be loved in a very tangible way, so the longing in their hearts for a mate can be relieved and overwhelmed by love and commitment, so they can come home to someone that is committed to them for life and not just through the end of their lease.

For some girls, they are OK not being married, but for most, this is something they long for deeply. Deeply. Its something they've asked God to take away because it hurts. Its what they are afraid to talk about for fear of crying real hard at Starbucks into their Chai Tea Latte. Its personal, and its painful.

Its hard getting into your late 20s and 30s and not see any prospects. You wonder if there is something wrong with you. You wonder if it will ever happen. You wonder how on earth you will meet anyone who meets your standards, which you know are reasonable and not too high. You want to trust God, but that trust waivers with each wedding you attend and with each friend that calls to say that he finally asked her out.

Dang. When's my turn. Surely I have something to offer, right? I'm kind and gentle and compassionate and passionate...I'd be a good wife, I just know it. We could do great things together and have adventures and raise our kids to love God. Why am I alone at home every weekend, watching Bridget Jones's Diary again?

But I regress...

Having been that girl and now not being that girl, I pray real hard that God will raise up men who will take a chance on my girl friends who aren't just out of college, who are pretty and sweet and independent but not too independent, who have big goals like missions and church planting and hard core ministry in hard core places. These are girls who will sharpen a man and hold him accountable to his responsibilities before the Lord. They are Proverbs 31 women, and they are amazing. They are the girls I look at and wonder, "Why are guys so blind?"

So girls, you are in my prayers, intently and consistently, and until the big prayers for husbands and families are answered, I also pray for courage, peace, and love. And just know that in those moments when you have a hard time trusting God, someone else is trusting Him for you.


  1. I love you like a lot...just saying :) Thank you for your wonderful words and even better...your heart!

  2. thanks katie! in the meantime, having good friends like you is what gets us through!
