Monday, May 31, 2010

lab results

Labs are in from my 24hr urine and it came back "protein too low to calculate". That's good! Pair that with my negative blood work, and at this point I'm OK. So they're calling it migraine, which I'll take any day over pre-ecclampsia, but still, ugh!

My headache is still there but more annoying than really painful, and its managed at this point with a pain med called Fioricet. Hopefully that'll hold me over until this baby arrives and I can go back to my normal "drug cocktail" for migraines.

Thank you to all who prayed and for all the encouraging words the last few days. Its amazing how being "sick" can make you feel so loved and cared for. Chris and I and baby B really really appreciate it.

We'll keep ya'll posted on the blog and facebook/twitter as to what is happening. For now, Chris and I are headed to Guglhupf for breakfast. After a few days laying around, I can't wait to get outside!

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