Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Attic

When we first moved in our house in May, Chris noticed some "messes" in the attic but didn't think much of it since we didn't live in the attic and wouldn't need it for anything big. Then came the scratching and squeaking, which we tried to ignore, but it got to a point where we had to investigate. What we found was a small family of bats nesting in the corner of our attic, happily oblivious to the fact that they totally grossed us out. Of course, we let our landlord know and he brought us "bomber" to get rid of them, which didn't work at all. They are still up there, living, squeaking, pooping.

After a few more attempts via phone to get our landlord to do something, I gave up. I mean, they are in the attic, not in the living space in our house, and they don't bother us too bad. I guess we can have some sort of symbiosis with these creatures, as long as they stay THERE and not HERE, in my living room.

Then I got pregnant, and we needed some storage space. How about the attic? Oh, but the bats...

THE BATS! I'd kind of forgotten about them, until now. Now we will have a baby in the house. Now we need to put stuff up in the attic. Now I have a compromised immune system and don't want hystoplasmosis. Now I'm wondering if bat poop carries toxoplasmosis (I checked, and don't think so). But STILL!

So I called our landlord last night, asking him to return my call to discuss this ever present though sometimes unnoticed problem of bats in our attic. I'm done with "bombing" them...I want a professional in here to get rid of the bats and clean up after them, safely. If he refuses, then I'll ask to be let out of our lease so we can (gulp) move again. If he refuses again, then I'll threaten court.

Mama Katie isn't messing around any more.


  1. oh no! YOu should really get those taken care of (as you already know) - they can carry weird diseases that you and baby definitely don't need! My parents had bats in their attic. A LOT of them. They didn't know it until a few of them got loose in the house. One chased (i.e. dive bombed) my mom and her dog all over the house. I found one on the kitchen floor one morning when I lived there. My mom found one climbing up the back of the couch one night. They are ugly little things! Even if the "bomber" gets rid of them, they'll keep coming back if the hole they get in and out of is not closed up!

  2. Just got a message from our landlord--a guy is coming Wednesday night to fix the problem. He's waiting for the bats to fly out, then plugging the holes with mesh. YEAH!

    Now we just need the poop cleaned up. I've put in another call to our landlord to talk about this problem as well. From what I've read, its quite a job, and I'm certainly not doing it. I'll keep updating...
